Search results for: “The Main chance”

  • Inns Of Chancery

    Definition of Inns Of Chancery These were legal seminaries attached to the greater bodies, the Inns of Court, to whom their senior students migrated, and from whom they received Readers, or instructors in law. From about 1650 they were entirely in the hands of the attorneys, who did not […]

  • Inns Of Chancery

    Definition of Inns Of Chancery These were legal seminaries attached to the greater bodies, the Inns of Court, to whom their senior students migrated, and from whom they received Readers, or instructors in law. From about 1650 they were entirely in the hands of the attorneys, who did not […]

  • Index Alphabétique

    Index Alphabétique par nom de A à Z Résumé de la Règlementation Européenne: Classement par ordre alphabétique Sur cette page c’est tous les Règlementation Européenne classé par ordre alphabétique: A Abus de marché • Accises (droits d’) • Accord de Cotonou • Accord général sur le commerce des services (GATS) • Accord sur le commerce…

  • Thèmes A-Z

    Thèmes A-Z Recherche alphabétique par thèmes sur le portail de Droit Europeen Affaires institutionnelles Traité CEE, Traité CECA, Traité EURATOM, Acte unique, Traité de Maastricht, Traité d’Amsterdam, Traité de Nice, Traité de Lisbonne, les institutions et organes de l’Union, le processus décisionnel et les travaux des institutions… Affaires maritimes et pêche Politique commune de la…

  • Peace movement

    Peace movement in Europe In the Past A world-wide movement aiming at the abolition of war, more especially international war. While fighting has always been one of the chief occupations of mankind; while ideas of national greatness are largely associated with battles, campaigns and […]

  • The Reformation

    The Reformation was the movement in the religious life of western Europe in the 16th century which resulted in the formation of the Protestant Church. At earlier periods there had been a feeling that conditions in the leadership of Christendom needed improvement and attempts at betterment […]

  • The Reformation

    The Reformation was the movement in the religious life of western Europe in the 16th century which resulted in the formation of the Protestant Church. At earlier periods there had been a feeling that conditions in the leadership of Christendom needed improvement and attempts at betterment […]

  • Payment Into Court

    Definition of Payment Into Court The deposit of money with an official or banker of a Court of justice for the purposes of proceedings pending in the Court(1) Where the defendant in an action admits the plaintiff’s claim to a certain amount, he may pay that amount into Court by way of […]

  • Parliamentary Control

    Definition of Parliamentary Agents Persons (usually solicitors) who transact the technical business involved in passing private Bills through the Houses of Parliament Browse You might be interested in these references tools: ResourceDescription Parliamentary Agents in the Dictionaries, […]

  • Equity

    Definition of Equity Primarily fairness or natural justice. A fresh body of rules by the side of the original law, founded on distinct principles, and claiming to supersede the law in virtue of a superior sanctity inherent in those principles (Maine). In England equity is the body of rules […]